CLUBS – The advantages to take part of the Share and Play concept for Sport Clubs:
1. Education framework ready to be implemented by professionals:
- Trainers are former professional athletes with coaching skills
- Year-long program to ensure a strong connection between the players and the trainers
2. Program tailored to the needs of the club:
- Advance offer in multisport program
- Proper formation to club staff
- Adaptable sessions to different age range
- Continued assistance, monitoring and support for the program development
3. Program going beyond sport practice and developing unique skillset for players:
- Decision-making and priorities setting
- Social and communication skills
- Teamwork
4. Social and health aspects development in early years:
- Encouraging healthy way of life
- By giving value to the process in a sport career
- Being a part of a community
- Developing proper sport performance from the scientific perspective
5. Attractive sport offer for kids to join in:
- Giving them the opportunity to participate no matter what sport level
- Opportunity to join a sport with several cognitive demands