CLUBS – The advantages to take part of the Share and Play concept for Sport Clubs:

1. Education framework ready to be implemented by professionals:

  • Trainers are former professional athletes with coaching skills
  • Year-long program to ensure a strong connection between the players and the trainers

2. Program tailored to the needs of the club:

  • Advance offer in multisport program
  • Proper formation to club staff
  • Adaptable sessions to different age range
  • Continued assistance, monitoring and support for the program development

3. Program going beyond sport practice and developing unique skillset for players:

  • Decision-making and priorities setting
  • Social and communication skills
  • Teamwork

4. Social and health aspects development in early years:

  • Encouraging healthy way of life
  • By giving value to the process in a sport career
  • Being a part of a community
  • Developing proper sport performance from the scientific perspective

5. Attractive sport offer for kids to join in:

  • Giving them the opportunity to participate no matter what sport level
  • Opportunity to join a sport with several cognitive demands

SCHOOLS – The advantages to take part of the Share and Play concept for schools:

  • Connecting sport and education, making more interesting subjects for kids.
  • Introducing kids in a complex learning system
  • Using motor-enriched learning activities for improving academic achievement
  • Anti-bullying activities
  • Encourage teamworking process learning

COMPANIES – The advantages to take part of the Share and Play concept for companies:

1. Access to qualified professional athlete’s labour force

  • Reliable employees with strong teamwork capabilities
  • Used to face situations under pressure
  • Responsible and disciplined workforce

2. Opportunity to get corporate volunteering through our programs

3. A more natural way to connect the company values and goals with the costumers.

4. Business Team Programme (BTP) Contact us for more information about the programme

ATHLETES – The advantages to take part of the Share and Play concept for Athletes:

  • Job opportunity
  • Educational background opportunity
  • Involvement in social and sport events opportunity
  • Access to a sport/business extended network
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